• Tag it turns out

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag it turns out :
  • ...- 1 - <!--Début du conteneur "flexible" de la page 2--> Beth: Knowing e xact ly how to stop cli mate change has im pa ssioned young peo ple – they feel strongly mo tivated to take ac tion. And, as it turns out, taking ac tion may be one of the most po werful an tidotes to e co-an xi ety: ac...

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  • ...ples of this phrase, ‘the plot thickens’…   Exam ples De spi te ac cu sing him of stealing, it turns out he wasn’t a roun d when the crime was com mit ted – the plot thickens ! The wo man I saw him with at the the atre wasn’t his wife – the plot thickens ! I thought he’d lost his...

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  • ...lien de téléchargement de cette traduction au format PDF : Sum m ary Neil is wearing a big wig but it turns out it’s not ne cessary to learn the in for mal En glish ex press ion. Find out what it re ally means in The En glish We Speak. <!--1er trait de séparation, puis texte en anglais, puis...

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