• Tag living things

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag living things :
  • ...a phrase de scri bing the most ba sic bi o lo gical and che mical u nits needed to sup port li ving things, e lements like ox ygen and car bon. Sam: Pro fess or Mc clu re thinks these missing e lements were brought to Earth in co mets - large bright balls of dirt and ice which tra vel a roun d the...

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  • ...ving in the sea. E ven all the dif ferent types of fish com bin ed make up less than 3% of all li ving things in the o cean. So, ac cor ding to re cent es timates by U nes co o cea no graphers, how ma ny dif ferent ma rin e spe cies have their ho me in the o cean? Is it: a) 70,000, b) 170,000, c)...

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  • ...ap pro priately en ough , it was named a fter an a nimal - a be agle is a type of dog. O K , let’s re cap the vo ca bulary from this pro gramme a bou t e vo lu tion , the way li ving things a da pt to their en vi ronment and pass these a dap t a tions on to their chil dren. Sam: Flo ra and fau na...

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  • ...swer in vol ves me mory. Us, hu mans, sto re me mories in our brain, but our bo dy al so re mem bers things, in clu ding stress ful si tu a tions from the past, which it sto res in our ge nes. The in for ma tion gets passed on to our chil dren ge ne tically. Sam: But su rely trees don’t have me...

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